GENERATIONS is happy to announce that we will be having S1 and S2 (Form 1 and Form 2) this coming academic year of 2024/25.

In Secondary school GENERATIONS follows the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Program (MYP). MYP is the leading and challenging secondary framework that encourages students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world.

MYP helps students develop both subject-specific and interdisciplinary understanding. The MYP framework includes:

Approaches to learning (ATL), helping students learn how to learn by developing skills for research, critical and creative thinking, communication, collaboration, and self-management.

Key and related concepts, helping students explore big ideas that matter.

Global contexts, helping students understand the relevance and importance of their study for understanding their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet.

The MYP starts from Form 1, up to Form 4. On Forms 5 and 6 we will be having the IB Diploma Programme (DP). As the IB approach and values very much match the Finnish philosophy in Primary, this allows a seamless transition from our Primary program into Secondary with the same focus on the academic content and skills needed in the 21st Century.

Also, based on research information, the IB programs in secondary school prepare the students better for Higher Education studies than other educational programmes and give a greater likelihood of attending one of the top 20 UK universities (Survey of College and University Admissions Officers 2022, Higher Education Statistics Agency HESA, 2016).