Dr. Leonel Alberto Alves

Arq. Nuno Jorge

CEO, Edith Jorge

Generations Management team is led by one of the school´s founder and CEO, Edith Jorge, and comprises of 3 parts working together to ensure that all the operations of the school function smoothly and that the academic vision is adequately implemented:

Pekka Eksymälinkedin


Pekka Eksymä, the Principal of our school, is responsible for implementing the academic program and advise on further developments of the school program. He also ensures the implementation of the Finnish philosophy, the respective teacher training and coordination.


This department is led by its Director, Marisa Nunes, and the main responsibility is to ensure that the school’s operations are running efficiently and effectively.

This Department is typically responsible for an array of non-instructional tasks, including but not limited to IT, Marketing and Social Media, Facilities Management, Purchasing, and any school-wide events that require significant logistical support.


This department led by its Director, Joey Lao, is responsible for major areas such as Finance, Human Resources and liaises with government bodies. This department also supports the Academic Department in what concerns Student Affairs.